Tener un perro supone un cambio muy positivo en la vida, pues el cariño que recibimos de ellas es incondicional y enorme. Sin embargo, también es posible que necesitemos clases de obediencia para perros online o presenciales. Los animales, como las personas, crecen en un contexto que les afecta e influye en el comportamiento. Cuando las personas necesitamos ayuda acudimos al médico o al terapeuta, en el caso de los animales los llevamos al veterinario, al educador canino y/o al etólogo.
At Social Dogs we have team formed by an ethologist / behaviorist veterinarian specialized in dogs and cats and qualified professional canine educators. We apply positive reinforcement techniques based on science and clinical ethology, always putting animal welfare first. We work both in our center and at home.
We are at your complete disposal to help you and your cat or your dog finding out and understand the causes of unwanted or inappropriate behaviors that hinder a cordial social life such as , in dogs, separation anxiety, destructive or aggressive behaviors, annoying and excessive barking or fear among others, and stress, fear or anxiety in cats. The aim is obviously to improving these behaviors and create an environment, a coexistence and a bond that is as suitable, stable and balanced as possible.